Hand mixed custom colours throughout rental property. A mixture ratio of 6:1 was achieved to get the right shade to harmonise with the origional colour.
Best Wallpaper I Have Ever Used
This has to be the best non woven wallcovering I have put up in the last 13yrs. It's from John Lewis, check out the pics.
Brer Rabbit
Here's the start of applying 27 rolls of Morris & Co wallpaper. Textured with a painted feel and retailing at £80 per roll it's quality shows its worth the value.
Mural or Wallpaper?
What's the difference?
When deciding between a Mural and a wallpaper concider the differences before you choose. A Mural doesn't have a pattern repeat. It's a single image printed on wallpaper in a specified order. Application is a one chance process leaving no room for mistakes hence getting the professionals in. Here's one I've done recently (see image above.) A wallpaper on the other hand will have a repeated pattern. This sometimes will show as a straight repeated pattern or a diagonal one if it has a drop pattern (see image below.)
Diagonal repeat (drop pattern)
Straight repeat (straight match)
Before, Mid and Finished coat.
After preparation and prime coat.
Finished coat.
Wallpaper Example
When two became one.
Four weeks ahead of this renovation job in Ilkley. Two rooms become one open plan entertainment and kitchen area. Loads of fillers, loads of primers. Should keep me busy. After photos available soon.
Work in progress.
Harlequin "Anthozoa" Design style. "Kinina"
Grand Design
Farrow and Ball - French Grey
Curley Hill, Ilkley.
The Transformation.